The search engine for healthcare databases

B.R.I.D.G.E. TO DATA® is Your Connection to Healthcare Databases Worldwide - a unique
non-profit online reference describing population healthcare databases* for use in epidemiology and health outcomes research.

Drawing on decades of experience with databases, we developed this tool to allow users to identify key features and compare database profiles. This resource also serves as an educational tool for public health research and as a template for health systems planners to design or refine their healthcare data.

*This site does not contain proprietary data or actual datasets from any healthcare database.

List of Database Profiles

List of Database Profiles

Browse our listing of ~500 profiles from 73 countries

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Sample Set

View 5 complete healthcare database profiles!

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Valuable resource for research

8 of the top 10 pharma companies benefit from our resource


A centralized worldwide compendium of population database profiles


In-depth database details, approved by database managers


Efficient side-by-side comparison and analysis


Constantly growing number of up-to-date profiles

Access a specialized glossary

A proprietary glossary created specifically for subscribers provides key definitions including international coding systems used by databases profiled in B.R.I.D.G.E. TO DATA®.

Contact our staff

Our staff is available by email and phone for questions or to provide feedback. A live person can help address user needs M-F 8 AM – 4 PM US Eastern Time.

Scan recent publications & administrative contacts for each database

Recent relevant scientific publications are cited for each database. Additional informative resources include specific contact information for each database manager, website address, and access details.

Archive searches & create your own database collections

Our “Save Searches” feature helps subscribers view, update, and add to prior searches within their personal account. Additionally, subscribers can create their own collections for future use and update them as needed.

Search & Compare standardized profiles side-by-side

Highlighted fields indicate matching or non-matching data details allowing for efficient side-by-side comparison of 135 data fields across multiple databases.

Access most up-to-date profiles verified by database managers

>90% of profiles are reviewed by database managers and updated on a regular basis. Updated database profiles replace older versions to avoid duplicate entries.

Identify population healthcare databases worldwide

Based in the United States, B.R.I.D.G.E. TO DATA® provides a unique searchable and comprehensive compendium of information on population healthcare databases worldwide. Researchers are able to view profiles on various population datasets on a single site.

Key Database Features

Types of databases include:

  • Longitudinal EMR and claims
  • Drug or disease specific cohorts
  • Registries
  • National surveys
  • National surveillance systems
  • Spontaneous reporting systems
  • Tissue/Blood
  • Genomic/Pharmacogenetic

~500 standardized database profiles

135 defined data fields

Profiles from 73 countries

Regularly updated

What our customers say

B.R.I.D.G.E. TO DATA has been very helpful for initial screening data sources for a potential epi study. It provides broad, thorough, and detailed information on each database listed in the system.  It has been a wonderful tool to have, especially for feasibility evaluation.

Jihong Zong, MD, PhD, Head Epidemiology Pipeline, Real World Evidence at Bayer Pharmaceuticals at Bayer, New York City Metropolitan Area, USA.

B.R.I.D.G.E TO DATA (BTD) is the prevailing resource for capturing detailed global metadata on real-world databases.  The developers of BTD have spent meticulous thought into creating a process for collecting (and maintaining) data by building relationships with key data vendors across the world.  With the breadth and magnitude of global real-world data available, it’s a testament to the scientific staff at BTD to successfully achieve such an ambitious undertaking.

Vinay Mehta, PhD, MS, Senior Director, RWD Strategy and Platforms, North Wales, PA, USA.

This "database" of databases is very useful in my day-to-day activities as it allows me to find quickly which databases will fit the best regarding the research questions I have. It is very complete and contains information on countries for which it is sometimes difficult to find information elsewhere.

Patrice Verpillat, MD, PhD, Head of Real World Evidence – European Medicines Agency, Amsterdam, Holland.

What's new

With data starting in 2014, the DeSC Healthcare database is a joint venture between…

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Exciting news from the world of wound care research! Our…

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Starting in 2011, the Victorian Lung Cancer Registry (VLCR) is a clinical quality registry which…

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