Feb 27, 2025: New Australian Lung Cancer Registry added
Starting in 2011, the Victorian Lung Cancer Registry (VLCR) is a clinical quality registry which collects and reports on data relating to 24 clinical quality indicators (CQIs) from Victoria and Tasmania. Data are reported from 9 participating health services, including 51 hospitals, with the aim of capturing all patients newly diagnosed with a primary lung cancer in stakeholder hospitals.
Feb 26, 2025: The Power of Administrative Databases in Public Health Research
The article "Use of Administrative Medical Databases in Population-Based Research" delves into the potential of administrative databases as robust tools for public health studies. These databases, which compile extensive records from hospitals, health maintenance organizations, and insurance entities, offer a wealth of clinical and demographic information.
Victorian Lung Cancer Registry (VLCR) (Australia) **
Victorian Lung Cancer Registy
Monash University
553 St Kilda Road
Melbourne, VIC 3004
Email: med-vlcr@monash.edu
Associate Professor Robert Stirling
Coordinating Principal Investigator, Steering Committee Chairman
Victorian Lung Cancer Registry
Email: r.stirling@alfred.org.au
1. Tesema GA, Stirling RG, Wah W, Tessema ZT, Heritier S, Earnest A. Geographic variation in delay to surgical treatment among non-small cell lung cancer patients. Lung Cancer. 2025 Jan;199:108077. doi: 10.1016/j.lungcan.2024.108077. Epub 2025 Jan 4.
2. Tesema GA, Stirling RG, Tessema ZT, Heritier S, Earnest A. Patient- and Areal-Level Risk Factors Associated With Lung Cancer Mortality in Victoria, Australia: A Bayesian Spatial Survival Analysis. Cancer Med. 2024 Oct;13(19):e70293.
3. Tissera S, Billah B, Brand M, Karim MN, Antippa P, Blum R, Caldecott M, Conron M, Faisal W, Harden S, Olesen I, Parente P, Richardson G, Samuel E, See K, Underhill C, Wright G, Zalcberg J, Stirling RG. Stage-Specific Guideline Concordant Treatment Impacts on Survival in Nonsmall Cell Lung Cancer: A Novel Quality Indicator. Clin Lung Cancer. 2024 Aug 24:S1525-7304(24)00191-8.
4. Earnest A, Tesema GA, Stirling RG. Machine Learning Techniques to Predict Timeliness of Care among Lung Cancer Patients. Healthcare (Basel). 2023 Oct 18;11(20):2756.
5. Smith S, Sapkaroski D, Brand M, Tran A, Zalcberg 1. J, Stirling RG. Mapping the clinical care pathways for advanced stage non-small cell lung cancer patients in Victoria: A retrospective cohort study of supportive and palliative care. Nurs Health Sci. 2023 Sep;25(3):411-423.
6. Huang J, Faisal W, Brand M, Smith S, Alexander M, Briggs L, Conron M, Duffy M, John T, Langton D, Lesage J, MacManus M, Mitchell P, Olesen I, Parente P, Philip J, Samuel E, Torres J, Underhill CR, Zalcberg JR, Harden S, Stirling R. Patterns of care for people with small cell lung cancer in Victoria, 2011-19: a retrospective, population-based registry data study. Med J Aust. 2023 Aug 7;219(3):120-126.
7. Tesema GA, Tessema ZT, Heritier S, Stirling RG, Earnest A. A Systematic Review of Joint Spatial and Spatiotemporal Models in Health Research. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2023 Mar 28;20(7):5295.
8. Woodford K, Koo K, Reynolds J, Stirling RG, Harden SV, Brand M, Senthi S. Persisting Gaps in Optimal Care of Stage III Non-small Cell Lung Cancer: An Australian Patterns of Care Analysis. Oncologist. 2023 Feb 8;28(2):e92-e102.
9. Stirling R, Evolution of the Victorian Lung Cancer Registry (VLCR): Results of longitudinal change in outcomes measures. 2023. Australian Lung Cancer Conference (Gold Coast).
10. Samuel E, Discordance between clinical and pathological staging of patients with operable non-small cell lung cancer: A retrospective observational cohort study. 2023. Australian Lung Cancer Conference (Gold Coast).
Jan 23, 2025: 500 Healthcare Database profiles, what a milestone!
With the upload of Swefoot (Swedish National Register for Foot and Ankle Surgery), we have reached a new milestone. Swefoot was started in 2014 to collect surgical and patient-reported data on foot and ankle surgery. Currently, data on 16 different diagnoses are collected in 68 units performing foot and ankle surgery. Registrations are performed by the surgeon and the patient. In January 2025, a total of 47,600 surgical procedures were registered in Swefoot.
Swefoot (Swedish National Register for Foot and Ankle Surgery) (Sweden)
Maria Cöster
Register Holder - Swefoot
Email: maria.coster@akademiska.se
Center of Registers Västra Götaland
Email: registercentrum@vgregion.se
1. Söderpalm AC, Montgomery F, Helander KN, Cöster MC. Hallux valgus; An observational study on patient characteristics, surgical treatment and pre-operative HRQoL from the Swedish foot and ankle register (Swefoot). Foot (Edinb). 2023 Dec;57:102060.
2. Cöster MC, Osbeck I, Montgomery F, Cöster-Stoij ME. Baseline and 1-Year Follow-Up Data of Patients with End-Stage Hallux Rigidus Treated with an Arthrodesis Reported to Swefoot. Medical Research Archives. 2023 Jun 26;11(6).
3. Osbeck I, Cöster M, Montgomery F, Atroshi I. Surgically treated adult acquired flatfoot deformity: Register-based study of patient characteristics, health-related quality of life and type of surgery according to severity. Foot Ankle Surg. 2023 Jun;29(4):367-372.
4. Cöster MC, Bremander A, Nilsdotter A. Patient-reported outcome for 17,648 patients in 5 different Swedish orthopaedic quality registers before and 1 year after surgery: an observational study. Acta Orthop. 2023 Jan 23;94:1-7.
5. Cöster MC, Cöster A, Svensson F, Callréus M, Montgomery F. Swefoot - The Swedish national quality register for foot and ankle surgery. Foot Ankle Surg. 2022 Dec;28(8):1404-1410.
6. Cöster MC, Cöster ME, Montgomery F. Hallux rigidus - Osteoarthritis of the first MTP-joint. Surgical and patient-reported results from Swefoot. Foot Ankle Surg. 2021 Jul;27(5):555-558.
7. Cöster ME, Montgomery F, Cöster MC. Patient-reported outcomes of joint-preserving surgery for moderate hallux rigidus: a 1-year follow-up of 296 patients from Swefoot. Acta Orthop. 2021 Feb;92(1):109-113.
Jan 16, 2025: Our first profile of 2025: The Belgian Cystic Fibrosis Registry
There are at least 1,400 people living with Cystic Fibrosis (CF) in Belgium, and the Belgian Cystic Fibrosis Registry (started in 1998) covers about 90-95% of CF patients living in Belgium. By collecting data on almost all patients with CF cared for in Belgium, the BCFR gives a good and quite complete picture of the epidemiology of the disease and the evolution of the health status of CF patients.