The main goal of B.R.I.D.G.E. is to profile databases from around the world with the most current information. Therefore, B.R.I.D.G.E. profiles databases as new ones are created. We usually work with each database manager to ensure their database profile is complete and accurate. Although we try to include as many profiles on our web site as possible, we unfortunately cannot profile every database. In some cases, it takes time, and in other cases data centers with private or non-commercial databases may not wish to disclose their data to non-affiliates (or the international community). To view them see our Declined List on our website. Please contact us if a database of interest is not profiled on our website; it may be due to such restrictions set by the database managers, or because the database is no longer being offered. However, we do have some database profiles that are either currently or no longer being offered; these are indicated with the symbol §.
Do you know if you have more information regarding a particular database profile, we can help include it in our resource? Please contact us, so we can follow up as needed.