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The National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent to Adult Health (Add Health) is a longitudinal study of a nationally representative sample of >20,000 adolescents, originally in grades 7-12 during 1994-95, and then followed for 5 waves to date, last in 2016-18.

Managed by the Netherlands Comprehensive Cancer Organisation (IKNL), the Netherlands Cancer Registry is the only oncological hospital registry in the Netherlands with data on all cancer patients. Data are available on national level from 1989 onwards. The Netherlands has about 17,000,000 inhabitants. Annually, there are 116,500 new diagnoses of cancer and 44,000 cancer deaths in the Netherlands.

Containing over 80M patients, the Hospital Episode Statistics (HES) Database (United Kingdom) consists of all secondary care activity in England starting April 2009. Data are collected by all NHS Trusts in England and reported on a monthly basis. Patient characteristics are also included in the database, such as age, gender and ethnicity.

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With data starting from 1999 and around 500,000 cancer patients being added each year, the population-based cancer registries in each German federal state transfer data to the German Centre for Cancer Registry Data (ZfKD). ZfKD estimates national cancer incidence, prevalence and survival rates after assessing the completeness of the data recorded in the individual registries. The basic method is that the data are first checked for completeness of incidence and of vital status.

The Egypt National Population-based Cancer Registry (NPCR) was established in 2007 and is the only source for cancer incidence in the whole of Egypt. It routinely collects patient data from peripheral population-based registries in the cancer centers of the 5 governorates. Data include patient demographics, primary tumor site, tumor morphology, stage at diagnosis, and follow-up for vital status from over one million patients.

Kantar's latest NHWS, from South Korea and Taiwan, are the latest to be profiled in B.R.I.D.G.E. TO DATA. These databases provide demographic data, disease-specific measures on >165 conditions (including symptoms & comorbidities), patient-reported outcomes (including quality of life), patient attitudes, medication and healthcare resource utilization. The survey aims to collect data to show how patients view their health, their attitudes and behaviors, outcomes and their unmet needs.

The South Australian Cancer Registry (SACR) has been collecting data on cancer incidence and mortality since 1977. Pathology laboratories and health care institutions are required to notify the SACR of any cancer diagnosed at their facility. Approximately 10,000 new cancers are added each year.

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The IBM® MarketScan® Hospital Drug Database provides researchers with inpatient drug utilization data from hospital discharge records since 2002. This database is derived primarily from hospital billing systems from US hospitals. These data allow researchers to evaluate drug use in the inpatient and outpatient settings, including hospital use patterns, switching behavior, combination therapy and patient characteristics.