Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results – Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems (SEER-CAHPS) (USA)

Database Contact Data

For more information or additional guidance on SEER-CAHPS, please contact the SEER-CAHPS staff at

Alternate Contact

You may also contact the SEER-CAHPS staff by completing this contact form at

References of Studies Using/Describing Database

1. Pandit AA, Patil NN, Mostafa M, Kamel M, Halpern MT, Li C. Rural-Urban Disparities in Patient Care Experiences among Prostate Cancer Survivors: A SEER-CAHPS Study. Cancers (Basel). 2023 Mar 23;15(7):1939.

2. Arevalo M, Pickering TA, Vernon SW, Fujimoto K, Peskin MF, Farias AJ. Do breast cancer survivors with a recent history of clinical depression report worse experiences with care? A retrospective cohort study using SEER-CAHPS data. Cancer Med. 2023 Jan;12(2):1949-1960.

3. Pandit AA, Gressler LE, Halpern MT, Kamel M, Payakachat N, Li C. Racial/Ethnic Disparities in Patient Care Experiences among Prostate Cancer Survivors: A SEER-CAHPS Study. Curr Oncol. 2022 Nov 1;29(11):8357-8373.

4. Wardrop RC, Cass AL, Quinn SA, Wercholuk AN, Parikh AA, Snyder RA. Racial and ethnic differences in patient ratings of colorectal and non-small-cell lung cancer care: A SEER-CAHPS study. Cancer Causes Control. 2022 Sep;33(9):1125-1133. 

5. Navarro S, Hu X, Mejia A, Ochoa CY, Pickering TA, Ballas L, Farias AJ. Racial/ethnic disparities in patient experiences with care and Gleason score at diagnosis of prostate cancer: a SEER-CAHPS study. Cancer Causes Control. 2022 Apr;33(4):601-612. 

6. DiMartino LD, Kirschner J, Jackson GL, Mollica MA, Lines LM. Are care experiences associated with survival among cancer patients? An analysis of the SEER-CAHPS data resource. Cancer Causes Control. 2021 Sep;32(9):977-987.

7. Mohan CS, Rotter JS, Tan HJ, Kent E, Bjurlin MA, Basch E, Samuel C, Nielsen M, Smith AB. The association between patient experience and healthcare outcomes using SEER-CAHPS patient experience and outcomes among cancer survivors. J Geriatr Oncol. 2021 May;12(4):623-631.

8. Mollica MA, Buckenmaier SS, Halpern MT, McNeel TS, Weaver SJ, Doose M, Kent EE. Perceptions of care coordination among older adult cancer survivors: A SEER-CAHPS study. J Geriatr Oncol. 2021 Apr;12(3):446-452. 

9. Farias AJ, Toledo G, Ochoa CY, Hamilton AS. Racial/Ethnic Disparities in Patient Experiences With Health Care in Association With Earlier Stage at Colorectal Cancer Diagnosis: Findings From the SEER-CAHPS Data. Med Care. 2021 Apr 1;59(4):295-303.

10. Lines LM, Cohen J, Kirschner J, Halpern MT, Kent EE, Mollica MA, Smith AW. Random survival forests using linked data to measure illness burden among individuals before or after a cancer diagnosis: Development and internal validation of the SEER-CAHPS illness burden index. Int J Med Inform. 2021 Jan;145:104305. 

May 10, 2023: B.R.I.D.G.E. TO DATA services for your database-related projects

In addition to our online compendium of healthcare database profiles, the B.R.I.D.G.E. TO DATA® team also provides assistance for your database-related projects. Whether it's conducting comprehensive database searches, identifying data sources, communicating with data vendors, or developing a customized searchable database repository, our team is ready to help.

Mariam Shokralla, MPH

B.R.I.D.G.E. TO DATA is a unique one-stop for all databases you might need for any research purpose. A unique user-friendly directory to search for databases from all over the world, you can easily grasp what each database can offer you without wasting time on each one.

Apr 28, 2023: View our latest newsletter looking back at what we accomplished in 2022

2022 had us busy profiling databases from around the world (currently 400), including the first ones from six countries. We made several enhancements and also lowered the “global” subscription rate to make our resource more affordable to locate databases of interest. Would you complete our 2-minute survey regarding how you could benefit from B.R.I.D.G.E.?

Norwegian Surveillance System for Communicable Diseases (Norway)

Database Contact Data

Norwegian Institute of Public Health
Avdeling for smittevernregistre
Phone: +47 21 07 7000

Alternate Contact

General contact information for MSIS -
Phone: (+47) 2107 7000 

For data access, send an email to 

References of Studies Using/Describing Database

1. Skagseth H, Danielsen AS, Kacelnik O, Trondsen UJ, Berg TC, Sorknes NK, Eriksen-Volle HM. Clusters of healthcare-associated SARS-CoV-2 infections in Norwegian hospitals detected by a fully automatic register-based surveillance system. J Hosp Infect. 2023 Mar 11;135:50–4.

2. Tønnessen R, García I, Debech N, Lindstrøm JC, Wester AL, Skaare D. Molecular epidemiology and antibiotic resistance profiles of invasive Haemophilus influenzae from Norway 2017-2021. Front Microbiol. 2022 Aug 29;13:973257.

3. Winje BA, Vestrheim DF, White RA, Steens A. The Risk of Invasive Pneumococcal Disease Differs between Risk Groups in Norway Following Widespread Use of the 13-Valent Pneumococcal Vaccine in Children. Microorganisms. 2021 Aug 20;9(8):1774. 

4. Johannesen TB, Smeland S, Aaserud S, Buanes EA, Skog A, Ursin G, Helland Å. COVID-19 in Cancer Patients, Risk Factors for Disease and Adverse Outcome, a Population-Based Study From Norway. Front Oncol. 2021 Mar 25;11:652535. 

5. Kvåle R, Bønaa KH, Forster R, Gravningen K, Júlíusson PB, Myklebust TÅ. Does a history of cardiovascular disease or cancer affect mortality after SARS-CoV-2 infection? Tidsskr Nor Laegeforen. 2020 Dec 29;140(2).

6. Whittaker R, Grøsland M, Buanes EA, Beitland S, Bryhn B, Helgeland J, Sjøflot OI, Berild JD, Seppälä E, Tønnessen R, Telle K. Hospitalisations for COVID-19 - a comparison of different data sources. Tidsskr Nor Laegeforen. 2020 Dec 14;140(18). English, Norwegian. 

7. Nystad W, Hjellvik V, Larsen IK, Ariansen I, Helland E, Johansen KI, Gulbrandsen J, Gulseth HL, Eide HN, Håberg SE, Karlstad Ø, Bakken IJ. Underlying conditions in adults with COVID-19. Tidsskr Nor Laegeforen. 2020 Sep 16;140(13). English, Norwegian.

8. Stefanoff P, Løvlie AL, Elstrøm P, Macdonald EA. Reporting of notifiable infectious diseases during the COVID-19 response. Tidsskr Nor Laegeforen. 2020 May 15;140(9). English, Norwegian. 

9. Wolff C, Lange H, Feruglio S, Vold L, MacDonald E. Evaluation of the national surveillance of Legionnaires' disease in Norway, 2008-2017. BMC Public Health. 2019 Dec 3;19(1):1624.

10. Johansen MA, Scholl J, Aronsen G, Hartvigsen G, Bellika JG. An exploratory study of disease surveillance systems in Norway. J Telemed Telecare. 2008;14(7):368-71.

Apr 26, 2023: Learn all about the Icelandic Register of Communicable Diseases

Starting in 1997, the Icelandic Register of Communicable Diseases includes diseases, agents causing diseases and events, immunisations, and use of antimicrobial drugs, and is intended to be of use in preventive measures and in epidemiological research. Notifiable communicable diseases which can pose a threat to public welfare are subject to registration.

Icelandic Register of Communicable Diseases (Iceland)

Database Contact Data

Sigríður Haralds Elínardóttir
Head of Division, Health Information
Directorate of Health
Katrínartún 2 
IS – 105 Reykjavík
Phone: +354 510 1900

Alternate Contact

References of Studies Using/Describing Database


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